7 Flowers That Look Like Roses

Surprisingly, there are quite a few flowers that look like roses.

They look like roses. But they aren’t. And that’s okay with us.

Flowers That Look Like Roses

Don’t get me wrong, roses are beautiful flowers but they are really tough to grow.

We’ve had some luck over the years growing a few different types of roses but we’ve also found some interesting alternatives that are just as beautiful as roses.

At the Whole People Garden Center we grow a variety of flowers that “look” like roses but they are not. Let’s call them “faux roses”.

If you’re not a gardener and prefer to buy your roses, the challenge can be finding them find just when you need them most.

rose like flowers

Ever try buying roses mid-afternoon on Valentine’s Day? Good luck.

Plus, if you’re like me you like to buy local to reduce the environmental impact of shipping.

Did you know over 90% of all roses sold in the US are grown overseas?

Colombia shipped over 4 billion flowers to the US last year and American shoppers will spend $2 billion on flowers this Valentine’s Day. [source: Washington Post.]

buy Flowers That Look Like Roses locally

So, if you really have to buy real roses make a more sustainable choice and go with a local source.

It’s better for the earth and better for your local economy.

The team over at Ecocult have a great guide on how find local and organic flowers in your area.

But if you’re looking for an alternative to buying roses altogether then we’ve got your back.

We put together a list of all the flowers and plants that have rose-like blooms. These are all beautiful flowers that look like roses but are not roses.

You should be able to find these flowers locally as well depending on your region.

I’ve gone off roses for now. They are common and grown unsustainably overseas (most of the time).

Celebrate alternatives this Valentine’s Days!

Join me in giving flowers that only look like roses this V-Day.

Top 6 Flowers That Look Like Roses


Camellias are a flowering plant in the Theaceae family.

There’s hundreds of different varietys or species – thousands if you include hybrids.

camellias are Flowers That Look Like Roses

These flowers have an interesting history. They were named for a Jesuit botanist named George Josheph Kamel.

Camellias are famous throughout East Asia; they are known as cháhuā (茶花, ‘tea flower’) in Chinese, tsubaki (椿) in Japanese, dongbaek-kkot (동백꽃) in Korean, and as hoa trà or hoa chè in Vietnamese.



lisanthus Look Like Roses

The scientific name for Lisianthus is Eustoma.

Lisianthus are also sometimes referred to as Prairie Gentian as well as Texas Bluebell.

They are common in the warmer southern regions of the US as well as Mexico and the Caribbean.

They grow best in grasslands and areas of disturbed ground.

They grow on long, straight stems and come in a variety of shades: purple, white, blue and pink.


 peonies are another Flower That Looks Like Roses

Peonies are a perennial flower that bloom in late spring and early summer.

They have large single or double blooms in a variety of colors: white, pink, rose, and deep crimson.

Native to Asia, Europe and Western North America, there are over 30 species of peonies.

There are 2 types that are commonly grown in home gardens in the United States: the garden Paeonia hybrid and the Tree Peony.

Peonies are sold everywhere in flower shops as cut flowers and are typically available in late spring and early summer.

If you are considering giving peonies to your loved on on Valentine’s Day or an Anniversary we recommend you recite the poem Peonies by Mary Oliver aloud to your betrothed.


are gardenias flowers that look like roses?

Gardenias are one of the more popular exotic flowers and are native to Africa, Southern Asia, Australasia and Oceania.

They can be grown as an evergreen shrub in the south and west coastal areas of the United States.

It may be a challenge to find them locally as they are difficult to grow in other areas.

A local grower may have some varieties such as Gardenia Frostprof, Gardenia Daisy, and Gardenia Variegata

They are sometimes grown as houseplants as well.

They have beautiful white, fragrant blooms that will put a smile on anyone’s face.

Double Impatiens

 Flowers That Look Like a rose

There are Impatiens that are annuals (Impatiens balsamina) and there are perennial impatiens as well (Impatiens walleriana).

Impatiens grow well in home gardens in pots, window boxes and even hanging baskets.

They typically need very little care after planting and are a good starter flower for those with only a semi-green thumb.

Why not try to grow some yourself.

This video should help!


what flowers look like roses more than ranunculus

In Latin, ranunculus means “little frog.”

They’re also called “Turban Buttercup” as they are native to the Middle East.

The ranunculus has tuberous roots and hollow stems.

They are a truly beautiful flower and come in a variety of colors: white, red, yellow, pink, and even orange.

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